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Prisha India Craft Traditional Stainless Steel Copperware Dinner Thali Set, Service for 2
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Prisha India Craft Traditional Stainless Steel Copperware Dinner Thali Set, Service for 2

Product ID: 344362599
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Prisha india craft copper utensils relish indian cuisine in indian style! This is a set of centerpiece serveware for indian food. Serve indian dishes to your friends and family in this unique and ethnic looking centerpiece serve ware. With this serving utensil set your indian style dining experience goes several notches up. The material used is food grade. Hammered copper is used only on the outside of the utensil and does not come in contact with the food. Only the quality food grade stainless steel is in contact with the food. Two layers of metal with air cushion ensure that the food stays warm much longer. Serving dinner in this dinnerware handi would be unforgettable experience. Care tips a) clean your copperware by hand and avoid dishwasher as the detergent can cause oxidation leading to permanent damage. B) use a solution of equal quantities vinegar or lemon juice and salt diluted with some water at such times but don't use it regularly. C) avoid scratchy cleaners like steel wool. D) a simple, soft cleaning liquid on soap base, hot water and a soft washing cloth is best for daily use. E) use copper shining powder for cleaning the copper utensils. Completely safe and gentle on hands. F) copper utensils tarnish from time to time. This is normal for an authentic copper utensils. ; many customers love the vintage/antique tarnished look, but care instructions for minimizing and removing tarnish are provided with order

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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